6 Amazing Things You Didn't Know About Antwerp and Het Steen


Over the centuries, Het Steen has changed shape and function many times. The oldest building in Antwerp is the setting for many stories about the history of the city. Be amazed by these six facts.

Fortified settlement

As early as the ninth century, there was a fortified settlement near present-day Het Steen, consisting of wooden buildings, an earthen wall and a moat. That was more than 1,100 years ago. It was a turbulent period for the entire region. In the eleventh century, the first stone city wall was built, built of Tournai limestone, which is still preserved in the substructure of Het Steen. The Steen was part of the now disappeared castle and functioned as one of the entrances. The old castle wall that you can admire today in Het Steen dates from around the 11th-12th century.

The first stock exchange in the world

It is described in detail in the recently published and widely acclaimed book The Glory Years by the British author Michael Pye: in the sixteenth century, Antwerp was the New York of its time. The city was a successful, international metropolis and the hub of trade and economy. At the request of the many merchants who wanted a safe place to trade, the first real stock exchange in the world appeared in Antwerp in 1531. Later, the building served as a model for the stock exchanges of London, Frankfurt and Amsterdam. Would you like to learn more about Antwerp's glorious Golden Age? Visit the attraction The Antwerp Story in Het Steen and experience the richness of the past.

Severed hand or 'throwing place' of sludge?

Do you know the legend of Brabo and Antigoon? Het Steen was home to the fearsome giant Antigoon, who demanded toll from every skipper who sailed across the Scheldt. When a boatman could not or would not pay, the giant cut off his right hand and threw it into the stream. Until the brave Roman Brabo appeared, defeated the giant, cut off his hand and aimed into the Scheldt. This is where Antwerp is said to owe its name: 'hand-throwing'. Reality appeals a little less to the imagination. As a tidal river, the Scheldt always deposited a lot of silt on its bank. This created an accumulation of sludge that was 'thrown up' again and again. 'Throwing' became Antwerp. On the Grote Markt you will find a large statue that depicts the legend of Brabo and Antigoon. Be sure to adopt Brabo's attitude. Can you see what's wrong?

Close relationship between man and diamond

Since the sixteenth century, Antwerp has been known as the most important diamond city in the world. Traders and explorers brought their precious stones and metals into Europe via the Scheldt. Nowhere is the age-old connection between man and diamond more tangibly present than in Antwerp. For example, every diamond sold in the world has probably been to Antwerp at least once, and more than 80% of all rough diamonds in the world are sold and bought in Antwerp. A large part is also sharpened in Antwerp. Want to know more? Visit The Antwerp Story at Het Steen or discover the museum DIVA | Antwerp Home of Diamonds.

Once the largest printing company in the world

Around 1550, bookbinder and printer Christophe Plantin started his publishing house Officina Plantiniana in Antwerp. It is the beginning of a family and business history that will last three centuries. In 1570, his printing house, with sixteen printing presses and more than fifty employees, was the largest publishing house in the world. Plantin had fonts made that are still in use today, such as the well-known 'Garamond'. Also unique: Plantin's printing works can still be admired today in the Plantin-Moretus Museum, which is on the Unesco World Heritage List.

Cruise ships in the heart of the city

Antwerp is not only the second largest port in Europe, it is also a well-known mooring place for sea and river cruises. The roof terrace of Het Steen is a great location to watch the large ships arrive and depart. By the way, the cruise terminal is located in Het Steen. Unlike other cruise ports, where you often have to take a bus to reach a city, cruise passengers here can walk straight into the historic center of Antwerp. Fantastic, right? Would you like to experience for yourself what it feels like to sail on the wide Scheldt? Take the Waterbus for a trip on the water.

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